Qualities of Leaders in the Church
Now that we know the “Qualifications” of a leader in the church? Does that mean if you're qualified that's it? Just because you are qualified is that it? Not so fast, ones qualification for ministry comes with required qualities. The church needs QUALITY leaders not just qualified leaders. So what are those attributes? What are the "Qualities of Leaders in the Church"?
This Sunday Pastor Troy will explain exactly what are the "Qualities of Leaders in the Church".
This week we will continue in our study of Titus, we will be in Chapter 1:7-9
Our online pre-service starts at 10:50am (videos and slide images of the church happenings) followed by the service at 11am.
In person services are at 9 and 11am. The Children's Church/Ministries are available for the 11am service.
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