Men's Retreat 2019, Thurs Mar 28th - 30th
2019 Men’s Retreat
Calvary Chapel Solid Rock Men’s Retreat is coming up soon and we are excited to have the opportunity to spend a few days with a strong group of Christian men! This time together will allow us to grow closer and stronger in our walk with Christ and alongside each other as we lead and minister in our homes, church, work place and community as God has directed. Just as stated before, as God has directed us to lead … this retreat not only allows us to grow, but to disciple to others… so bring a friend, co-worker, family member!
This year we will be holding our retreat at the Alto Frio Baptist Encampment in Leakey, Texas. The dates of the retreat are Thursday, March 28th through Saturday, March 30th. We will have an awesome guest speaker this year that we are so excited to have join us and lead us in becoming stronger in our faith and understanding of our responsibility to as spiritual led men. Our guest speaker will be Pastor Sandy Adams of Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain in Atlanta, Georgia.
The cost of attending the event is $160.00. The cost will cover 5 meals, a hotel style room for 2 people with a queen size bed for each for 2 nights. You may select your roommate through the on-line registration form or elect to wait and see who you are paired with for the event. There will also be tee shirts, snacks and other items provided.
The registration process is open NOW and we will have people ready to assist with your registration. If finances are a concern, please let us know. We will have options available to assist and do not wish for such circumstance to prevent you from attending this event. Come see us to share your need and together we can bring it before the Lord and see how His plan unfolds.
There are options available for payment. You may pay the full price for the retreat using your credit card on the link bellow, and if you need assistance, we can walk you through the process after service or you may make payment in the comfort of your home. Additionally, you can come back to the APP and make payments also in the Link bellow.
If you need to make payments for the retreat, Via cash or check you may do so after services through March 10th, just see Jim, David H. Eddy or the Men’s Retreat Representative to assist you.
Registration DEADLINE – March 14th, 2019. Final payment due by March 17th. If you need an extension or financial assistance, please let us know!